Calcul des satellites et présentations des bimodules à l'aide des carrés exacts
We present some constructions of limits and colimits in pro-categories. These are critical tools in several applications. In particular, certain technical arguments concerning strict pro-maps are essential for a theorem about étale homotopy types. We also correct some mistakes in the literature on this topic.
The main purpose of this article is to introduce the categorical concept of pullback in Mizar. In the first part of this article we redefine homsets, monomorphisms, epimorpshisms and isomorphisms [7] within a free-object category [1] and it is shown there that ordinal numbers can be considered as categories. Then the pullback is introduced in terms of its universal property and the Pullback Lemma is formalized [15]. In the last part of the article we formalize the pullback of functors [14] and it...
Among cocomplete categories, the locally presentable ones can be defined as those with a strong generator consisting of presentable objects. Assuming Vopěnka’s Principle, we prove that a cocomplete category is locally presentable if and only if it has a colimit dense subcategory and a generator consisting of presentable objects. We further show that a -element set is colimit-dense in , and spaces of countable dimension are colimit-dense in .