Displaying 321 – 340 of 705

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Homotopy representability of Brauer groups.

Antonio Martínez Cegarra (1999)

Extracta Mathematicae

The purpose of this paper is to present certain facts and results showing a way through which simplicial homotopy theory can be used in the study of Auslander-Goldman-Brauer groups of Azumaya algebras over commutative rings.

Hopf-Galois extensions for monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras

Yuanyuan Chen, Liangyun Zhang (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Hopf-Galois extensions for monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras are investigated. As the main result, Schneider's affineness theorem in the case of monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras is shown in terms of total integrals and Hopf-Galois extensions. In addition, we obtain an affineness criterion for relative Hom-Hopf modules which is associated with faithfully flat Hopf-Galois extensions of monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras.

How algebraic is algebra?

Adámek, Jiří, Lawvere, F.W., Rosický, Jiří (2001)

Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]

Internal object actions

Francis Borceux, George Z. Janelidze, Gregory Maxwell Kelly (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We describe the place, among other known categorical constructions, of the internal object actions involved in the categorical notion of semidirect product, and introduce a new notion of representable action providing a common categorical description for the automorphism group of a group, for the algebra of derivations of a Lie algebra, and for the actor of a crossed module.

Invertible cohomological field theories and Weil-Petersson volumes

Yuri I. Manin, Peter Zograf (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We show that the generating function for the higher Weil–Petersson volumes of the moduli spaces of stable curves with marked points can be obtained from Witten’s free energy by a change of variables given by Schur polynomials. Since this generating function has a natural extension to the moduli space of invertible Cohomological Field Theories, this suggests the existence of a “very large phase space”, correlation functions on which include Hodge integrals studied by C. Faber and R. Pandharipande....

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 705