A Characterization of Ln (q) as a Permutation Group.
In the class of complete games, the Shapley index of power is the characteristic invariant of the group of automorphisms, for these are exactly the permutations of players preserving the index.
A graph is one-regular if its automorphism group acts regularly on the set of its arcs. In this paper, tetravalent one-regular graphs of order 3p², where p is a prime, are classified.
We present a short and self-contained proof of the extension property for partial isometries of the class of all finite metric spaces.
A solvable primitive group with finitely generated abelian stabilizers is finite.
A graph , with a group of automorphisms of , is said to be -transitive, for some , if is transitive on -arcs but not on -arcs. Let be a connected -transitive graph of prime valency , and the vertex stabilizer of a vertex . Suppose that is solvable. Weiss (1974) proved that . In this paper, we prove that for some positive integers and such that and .