Ramanujan-Identitäten zur Reziproken der Jacobischen Funktion .. .
We investigate some properties of density measures – finitely additive measures on the set of natural numbers extending asymptotic density. We introduce a class of density measures, which is defined using cluster points of the sequence as well as cluster points of some other similar sequences. We obtain range of possible values of density measures for any subset of . Our description of this range simplifies the description of Bhashkara Rao and Bhashkara Rao [Bhaskara Rao, K. P. S., Bhaskara Rao,...
Two suitable composition laws are defined in a regular permutation set in order to find new characterizations of some important classes of loops.
Structures of automorphisms and automorphism groups in fuzzy set theory are studied in detail in view of applications to synonymy and antonymy representations.