On extensions of the maximal cyclotomic field having a given classical Galois group.
The intention of this paper is to provide an elementary proof of the following known results: Let G be a finite group of the form G = AB. If A is abelian and B has a nilpotent subgroup of index at most 2, then G is soluble.
We show that finite commutative inverse property loops with elementary abelian inner mapping groups of order are centrally nilpotent of class at most two.
We show that finite commutative inverse property loops with elementary abelian inner mapping groups of order are centrally nilpotent of class at most two.
Let be a finite commutative loop and let the inner mapping group , where is an odd prime number and . We show that is centrally nilpotent of class two.
In this paper we consider finite loops and discuss the following problem: Which groups are (are not) isomorphic to inner mapping groups of loops? We recall some known results on this problem and as a new result we show that direct products of dihedral 2-groups and nontrivial cyclic groups of odd order are not isomorphic to inner mapping groups of finite loops.
We investigate the situation that the inner mapping group of a loop is of order which is a product of two small prime numbers and we show that then the loop is soluble.
If ℱ is a class of groups, then a minimal non-ℱ-group (a dual minimal non-ℱ-group resp.) is a group which is not in ℱ but any of its proper subgroups (factor groups resp.) is in ℱ. In many problems of classification of groups it is sometimes useful to know structure properties of classes of minimal non-ℱ-groups and dual minimal non-ℱ-groups. In fact, the literature on group theory contains many results directed to classify some of the most remarkable among the aforesaid classes. In particular, V....
We classify the finite soluble groups satisfying the following condition: if H is a subgroup of G and H is not nilpotent, then the Fitting subgroup of H is the centralizer in H of its derived subgroup H'.