Partial Homogeneity in Locally Finite Groups.
We classify the maximal irreducible periodic subgroups of PGL(q, ), where is a field of positive characteristic p transcendental over its prime subfield, q = p is prime, and × has an element of order q. That is, we construct a list of irreducible subgroups G of GL(q, ) containing the centre ×1q of GL(q, ), such that G/ ×1q is a maximal periodic subgroup of PGL(q, ), and if H is another group of this kind then H is GL(q, )-conjugate to a group in the list. We give criteria for determining...
Let P be an arbitrary set of primes. The P-nilpotent completion of a group G is defined by the group homomorphism η: G → GP' where GP' = inv lim(G/ΓiG)P. Here Γ2G is the commutator subgroup [G,G] and ΓiG the subgroup [G, Γi−1G] when i > 2. In this paper, we prove that P-nilpotent completion of an infinitely generated free group F does not induce an isomorphism on the first homology group with ZP coefficients. Hence, P-nilpotent completion is not idempotent. Another important consequence of...
Nous montrons que le sous-groupe des points fixes d’un automorphisme d’un groupe hyperbolique au sens de M. Gromov est de type fini.
In this paper, we study the structure of polycyclic groups admitting an automorphism of order four on the basis of Neumann’s result, and prove that if is an automorphism of order four of a polycyclic group and the map defined by is surjective, then contains a characteristic subgroup of finite index such that the second derived subgroup is included in the centre of and is abelian, both and are abelian-by-finite. These results extend recent and classical results in the literature....
On définit localement la notion de polyèdre de rang deux pour un polyèdre fini de dimension deux à courbure négative ou nulle. On montre que le revêtement universel d’un tel espace est soit le produit de deux arbres, soit un immeuble de Tits euclidien de rang deux.