Displaying 161 – 180 of 257

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The density of representation degrees

Martin Liebeck, Dan Segal, Aner Shalev (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For a group G and a positive real number x , define d G ( x ) to be the number of integers less than x which are dimensions of irreducible complex representations of G . We study the asymptotics of d G ( x ) for algebraic groups, arithmetic groups and finitely generated linear groups. In particular we prove an “alternative” for finitely generated linear groups G in characteristic zero, showing that either there exists α > 0 such that d G ( x ) > x α for all large x , or G is virtually abelian (in which case d G ( x ) is bounded).

Twisted gamma filtration and algebras with orthogonal involution

Caroline Junkins (2014)

Open Mathematics

For the Grothendieck group of a split simple linear algebraic group, the twisted γ-filtration provides a useful tool for constructing torsion elements in -rings of twisted flag varieties. In this paper, we construct a non-trivial torsion element in the γ-ring of a complete flag variety twisted by means of a PGO-torsor. This generalizes the construction in the HSpin case previously obtained by Zainoulline.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 257