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Split extensions and semidirect products of unitary magmas

Marino Gran, George Janelidze, Manuela Sobral (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We develop a theory of split extensions of unitary magmas, which includes defining such extensions and describing them via suitably defined semidirect product, yielding an equivalence between the categories of split extensions and of (suitably defined) actions of unitary magmas on unitary magmas. The class of split extensions is pullback stable but not closed under composition. We introduce two subclasses of it that have both of these properties.

Termal groupoids

Jaroslav Ježek (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate the factor of the groupoid of terms through the largest congruence with a given set among its blocks. The set is supposed to be closed for overterms.

The free one-generated left distributive algebra: basics and a simplified proof of the division algorithm

Richard Laver, Sheila Miller (2013)

Open Mathematics

The left distributive law is the law a· (b· c) = (a·b) · (a· c). Left distributive algebras have been classically used in the study of knots and braids, and more recently free left distributive algebras have been studied in connection with large cardinal axioms in set theory. We provide a survey of results on the free left distributive algebra on one generator, A, and a new, simplified proof of the existence of a normal form for terms in A. Topics included are: the confluence of A, the linearity...

The minimal extension of sequences III. On problem 16 of Grätzer and Kisielewicz

J. Dudek (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The main result of this paper is a description of totally commutative idempotent groupoids. In particular, we show that if an idempotent groupoid (G,·) has precisely m ≥ 2 distinct essentially binary polynomials and they are all commutative, then G contains a subgroupoid isomorphic to the groupoid N m described below. In [2], this fact was proved for m = 2.

Tolerances on poset algebras

Bohdan Zelinka (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

To everz partiallz ordered set a certain groupoid is assigned. A tolerance on it is defined similarlz as a congruence, onlz the requirement of transitivitz is omitted. Some theorems concerning these tolerances are proved.

Travel groupoids

Ladislav Nebeský (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, by a travel groupoid is meant an ordered pair ( V , * ) such that V is a nonempty set and * is a binary operation on V satisfying the following two conditions for all u , v V : ( u * v ) * u = u ; if ( u * v ) * v = u , then u = v . Let ( V , * ) be a travel groupoid. It is easy to show that if x , y V , then x * y = y if and only if y * x = x . We say that ( V , * ) is on a (finite or infinite) graph G if V ( G ) = V and E ( G ) = { { u , v } u , v V and u u * v = v } . Clearly, every travel groupoid is on exactly one graph. In this paper, some properties of travel groupoids on graphs are studied.

Travel groupoids on infinite graphs

Jung Rae Cho, Jeongmi Park, Yoshio Sano (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The notion of travel groupoids was introduced by L. Nebeský in 2006 in connection with a study on geodetic graphs. A travel groupoid is a pair of a set V and a binary operation * on V satisfying two axioms. We can associate a graph with a travel groupoid. We say that a graph G has a travel groupoid if the graph associated with the travel groupoid is equal to G . Nebeský gave a characterization of finite graphs having a travel groupoid. In this paper, we study travel groupoids on infinite graphs....

Varieties of idempotent slim groupoids

Jaroslav Ježek (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Idempotent slim groupoids are groupoids satisfying x x x ̄ and x ( y z ) x ̄ z . We prove that the variety of idempotent slim groupoids has uncountably many subvarieties. We find a four-element, inherently nonfinitely based idempotent slim groupoid; the variety generated by this groupoid has only finitely many subvarieties. We investigate free objects in some varieties of idempotent slim groupoids determined by permutational equations.

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