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Solution of Belousov's problem

Maks A. Akivis, Vladislav V. Goldberg (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The authors prove that a local n-quasigroup defined by the equation x n + 1 = F ( x , . . . , x ) = ( f ( x ) + . . . + f ( x ) ) / ( x + . . . + x ) , where f i ( x i ) , i,j = 1,...,n, are arbitrary functions, is irreducible if and only if any two functions f i ( x i ) and f j ( x j ) , i ≠ j, are not both linear homogeneous, or these functions are linear homogeneous but f i ( x i ) / x i f j ( x j ) / x j . This gives a solution of Belousov’s problem to construct examples of irreducible n-quasigroups for any n ≥ 3.

The Lie groupoid analogue of a symplectic Lie group

David N. Pham (2021)

Archivum Mathematicum

A symplectic Lie group is a Lie group with a left-invariant symplectic form. Its Lie algebra structure is that of a quasi-Frobenius Lie algebra. In this note, we identify the groupoid analogue of a symplectic Lie group. We call the aforementioned structure a t -symplectic Lie groupoid; the “ t " is motivated by the fact that each target fiber of a t -symplectic Lie groupoid is a symplectic manifold. For a Lie groupoid 𝒢 M , we show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between quasi-Frobenius Lie algebroid...

The modular class of a Poisson map

Raquel Caseiro, Rui Loja Fernandes (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We introduce the modular class of a Poisson map. We look at several examples and we use the modular classes of Poisson maps to study the behavior of the modular class of a Poisson manifold under different kinds of reduction. We also discuss their symplectic groupoid version, which lives in groupoid cohomology.

Variational calculus on Lie algebroids

Eduardo Martínez (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

It is shown that the Lagrange's equations for a Lagrangian system on a Lie algebroid are obtained as the equations for the critical points of the action functional defined on a Banach manifold of curves. The theory of Lagrangian reduction and the relation with the method of Lagrange multipliers are also studied.

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