-cohomology of locally symmetric varieties
Let be a nilpotent Lie algebra which is also regarded as a homogeneous Lie group with the Campbell-Hausdorff multiplication. This allows us to define a generalized multiplication of two functions in the Schwartz class (*), where and are the Abelian Fourier transforms on the Lie algebra and on the dual * and ∗ is the convolution on the group . In the operator analysis on nilpotent Lie groups an important notion is the one of symbolic calculus which can be viewed as a higher order generalization...
We give general sufficient conditions to guarantee that a given subgroup of the group of diffeomorphisms of a smooth or real-analytic manifold has a compatible Lie group structure. These results, together with recent work concerning jet parametrization and complete systems for CR automorphisms, are then applied to determine when the global CR automorphism group of a CR manifold is a Lie group in an appropriate topology.
In this paper we identify a real reductive dual pair of Roger Howe with an Ordinary Classical Lie supergroup. In these terms we describe the semisimple orbits of the dual pair in the symplectic space, a slice through a semisimple element of the symplectic space, an analog of a Cartan subalgebra, the corresponding Weyl group and the corresponding Weyl integration formula.
It is proven that an infinite-dimensional Banach space (considered as an Abelian topological group) is not topologically isomorphic to a subgroup of a product of -compact (or more generally, -bounded) topological groups. This answers a question of M. Tkachenko.