On the family of sets of approximate limit numbers
In [11] and [7], the concepts of σ-core and statistical core of a bounded number sequence x have been introduced and also some inequalities which are analogues of Knopp’s core theorem have been proved. In this paper, we characterize the matrices of the class and determine necessary and sufficient conditions for a matrix A to satisfy σ-core(Ax) ⊆ st-core(x) for all x ∈ m.
According to a result of Kočinac and Scheepers, the Hurewicz covering property is equivalent to a somewhat simpler selection property: For each sequence of large open covers of the space one can choose finitely many elements from each cover to obtain a groupable cover of the space. We simplify the characterization further by omitting the need to consider sequences of covers: A set of reals X has the Hurewicz property if, and only if, each large open cover of X contains a groupable subcover. This...
We formulate a Covering Property Axiom , which holds in the iterated perfect set model, and show that it implies the existence of uncountable strong γ-sets in ℝ (which are strongly meager) as well as uncountable γ-sets in ℝ which are not strongly meager. These sets must be of cardinality ω₁ < , since every γ-set is universally null, while implies that every universally null has cardinality less than = ω₂. We also show that implies the existence of a partition of ℝ into ω₁ null compact sets....
This paper is a sequel to papers by Ash, Erdős and Rubel, on very slowly varying functions, and by Bingham and Ostaszewski, on foundations of regular variation. We show that generalizations of the Ash-Erdős-Rubel approach-imposing growth restrictions on the function h, rather than regularity conditions such as measurability or the Baire property-lead naturally to the main result of regular variation, the Uniform Convergence Theorem.