Weak convergence of monotone functions and Weyl's criterion
In this paper we study two weak notions of Jacobian determinant for Sobolev maps, namely the distributional Jacobian and the relaxed total variation, which in general could be different. We show some cases of equality and use them to give an explicit expression for the relaxation of some polyconvex functionals.
In this paper we study two weak notions of Jacobian determinant for Sobolev maps, namely the distributional Jacobian and the relaxed total variation, which in general could be different. We show some cases of equality and use them to give an explicit expression for the relaxation of some polyconvex functionals.
We consider a slightly modified form of the standard Rudin-Keisler order on ideals and demonstrate the existence of complete (with respect to this order) ideals in various projective classes. Using our methods, we obtain a simple proof of Hjorth’s theorem on the existence of a complete Π¹₁ equivalence relation. This proof enables us (under PD) to generalize Hjorth’s result to the classes of equivalence relations.
In this paper we prove a theorem for the existence of pseudo-solutions to the Cauchy problem, x' = f(t,x), x(0) = x₀ in Banach spaces. The function f will be assumed Pettis-integrable, but this assumption is not sufficient for the existence of solutions. We impose a weak compactness type condition expressed in terms of measures of weak noncompactness. We show that under some additionally assumptions our solutions are, in fact, weak solutions or even strong solutions. Thus, our theorem is an essential...
In this paper we present various weak star Kuratowski convergence results for multivalued martingales, supermartingales and multivalued mils in the dual of a separable Banach space. We establish several integral representation formulas for convex weak star compact valued multifunctions defined on a Köthe space and derive several existence results of conditional expectation for multivalued Gelfand-integrable multifunctions. Similar convergence results for Gelfand-integrable martingales in the dual...