On a relationship between the integrabilities of various maximal functions.
Assume ||·|| is a norm on ℝⁿ and ||·||⁎ its dual. Consider the closed ball , r > 0. Suppose φ is an Orlicz function and ψ its conjugate. We prove that for arbitrary A,B > 0 and for each Lipschitz function f on T, , where |·| is the Lebesgue measure on ℝⁿ. This is a strengthening of the Sobolev inequality obtained by M. Talagrand. We use this inequality to state, for a given concave, strictly increasing function η: ℝ₊ → ℝ with η(0) = 0, a necessary and sufficient condition on φ so that each...
The paper is concerned with a recent very interesting theorem obtained by Holický and Zelený. We provide an alternative proof avoiding games used by Holický and Zelený and give some generalizations to the case of set-valued mappings.
In 1955, A. Revuz - Annales de l’Institut Fourier, vol. 6 (1955-56) - considered a type of Stieltjes measure defined on analogues of half-open, half-closed intervals in a partially ordered topological space. He states that these functions are finitely additive but his proof has an error. We shall furnish a new proof and extend some of this results to “measures” taking values in a topological abelian group.