Displaying 201 – 220 of 236

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The Peano curves as limit of α-dense curves.

G. Mora (2005)


En este artículo presentamos una caracterización de las curvas de Peano como límite uniforme de sucesiones de curvas α-densas en el compacto que es llenado por la curva de Peano. Estas curvas α-densas deben tener densidades tendiendo a cero y sus funciones coordenadas deben de ser de variación tendiendo a infinito cuando α tiende a cero.

The quasi topology associated with a countably subadditive set function

Bent Fuglede (1971)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

This is a general study of an increasing, countably subadditive set function, called a capacity, and defined on the subsets of a topological space X . The principal aim is the study of the “quasi-topological” properties of subsets of X , or of numerical functions on X , with respect to such a capacity C . Analogues are obtained to various important properties of the fine topology in potential theory, notably the quasi Lindelöf principle (Doob), the existence of a fine support (Getoor), and the theorem...

The (sub/super)additivity assertion of Choquet

Heinz König (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The assertion in question comes from the short final section in Theory of capacities of Choquet (1953/54), in connection with his prototype of the subsequent Choquet integral. The problem was whether and when this operation is additive. Choquet had the much more abstract idea that all functionals in a certain wide class must be subadditive, and similarly for superadditivity. His treatment of this point was more like an outline, and his proof limited to a rather narrow special case. Thus the proper...

Thin and fat sets for doubling measures in metric spaces

Tuomo Ojala, Tapio Rajala, Ville Suomala (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We consider sets in uniformly perfect metric spaces which are null for every doubling measure of the space or which have positive measure for all doubling measures. These sets are called thin and fat, respectively. In our main results, we give sufficient conditions for certain cut-out sets being thin or fat.

Ultrafilter extensions of asymptotic density

Jan Grebík (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We characterize for which ultrafilters on ω is the ultrafilter extension of the asymptotic density on natural numbers σ -additive on the quotient boolean algebra 𝒫 ( ω ) / d 𝒰 or satisfies similar additive condition on 𝒫 ( ω ) / fin . These notions were defined in [Blass A., Frankiewicz R., Plebanek G., Ryll-Nardzewski C., A Note on extensions of asymptotic density, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (2001), no. 11, 3313–3320] under the name A P (null) and A P (*). We also present a characterization of a P - and semiselective ultrafilters...

Upper envelopes of inner premeasures

Heinz König (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The paper resumes one of the themes initiated in the final sections of the celebrated “Theory of Capacities” of Choquet 1953-54. It aims at comprehensive versions in the spirit of the author’s recent work in measure and integration.

Varadhan's theorem for capacities

Bart Gerritse (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Varadhan's integration theorem, one of the corner stones of large-deviation theory, is generalized to the context of capacities. The theorem appears valid for any integral that obeys four linearity properties. We introduce a collection of integrals that have these properties. Of one of them, known as the Choquet integral, some continuity properties are established as well.

Variational measures related to local systems and the Ward property of 𝒫 -adic path bases

Donatella Bongiorno, Luisa Di Piazza, Valentin A. Skvortsov (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Some properties of absolutely continuous variational measures associated with local systems of sets are established. The classes of functions generating such measures are described. It is shown by constructing an example that there exists a 𝒫 -adic path system that defines a differentiation basis which does not possess Ward property.

Vitali sets.

Lahiri, Benoy Kumar, Lahiri, Indrajit (2001)

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 236