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Algebraic ramifications of the common extension problem for group-valued measures

Rüdiger Göbel, R. Shortt (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let G be an Abelian group and let μ: A → G and ν: B → G be finitely additive measures (charges) defined on fields A and B of subsets of a set X. It is assumed that μ and ν agree on A ∩ B, i.e. they are consistent. The existence of common extensions of μ and ν is investigated, and conditions on A and B facilitating such extensions are given.

An existence result on partitioning of a measurable space: Pareto optimality and core

Nobusumi Sagara (2006)


This paper investigates the problem of optimal partitioning of a measurable space among a finite number of individuals. We demonstrate the sufficient conditions for the existence of weakly Pareto optimal partitions and for the equivalence between weak Pareto optimality and Pareto optimality. We demonstrate that every weakly Pareto optimal partition is a solution to the problem of maximizing a weighted sum of individual utilities. We also provide sufficient conditions for the existence of core partitions...

Analytic joint spectral radius in a solvable Lie algebra of operators

Daniel Beltiţă (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce the concept of analytic spectral radius for a family of operators indexed by some finite measure space. This spectral radius is compared with the algebraic and geometric spectral radii when the operators belong to some finite-dimensional solvable Lie algebra. We describe several situations when the three spectral radii coincide. These results extend well known facts concerning commuting n-tuples of operators.

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