Approximations of contraction operators on - I
Kim, Choo-Whan (1979)
Portugaliae mathematica
Choo-Whan Kim (1975)
Mathematische Annalen
K. Dajani, C. Kraaikamp, V. Masarotto (2012)
Acta Arithmetica
Vitaly Bergelson, Bernard Host, Randall McCutcheon, Franiçois Parreau (2000)
Colloquium Mathematicae
We analyze and cite applications of various, loosely related notions of uniformity inherent to the phenomenon of (multiple) recurrence in ergodic theory. An assortment of results are obtained, among them sharpenings of two theorems due to Bourgain. The first of these, which in the original guarantees existence of sets x,x+h, in subsets E of positive measure in the unit interval, with lower bounds on h depending only on m(E), is expanded to the case of arbitrary finite polynomial configurations...
Jozef Komorník, Erik G. F. Thomas (1991)
Mathematica Bohemica
A new criterion of asymptotic periodicity of Markov operators on , established in [3], is extended to the class of Markov operators on signed measures.
Tomoki Inoue (1992)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
We study the asymptotic stability of densities for piecewise convex maps with flat bottoms or a neutral fixed point. Our main result is an improvement of Lasota and Yorke's result ([5], Theorem 4).
Claude Tricot, Rudolf Riedi (1999)
Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal
Vincent Canterini, Anne Siegel (2001)
Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux
On explicite une conjugaison en mesure entre le décalage sur le système dynamique associé à une substitution primitive et une transformation adique sur le support d'un sous-shift de type fini, à savoir l'ensemble des chemins d'un automate dit des préfixes-suffixes. En caractérisant les préimages par la conjugaison des chemins périodiques de l'automate, on montre que cette conjugaison est injective sauf sur un ensemble dénombrable, sur lequel elle est finie-à-un. On en déduit l'existence d'une suite...
Ryszard Jajte (2010)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Let α be an isometric automorphism of the algebra of bounded linear operators in (p ≥ 1). Then α transforms conditional expectations into conditional expectations if and only if α is induced by a measure preserving isomorphism of [0, 1].
Mieczysław Mentzen (1991)
Studia Mathematica
The notion of exact uniform rank, EUR, of an automorphism of a probability Lebesgue space is defined. It is shown that each ergodic automorphism with finite EUR is finite extension of some automorphism with rational discrete spectrum. Moreover, for automorphisms with finite EUR, the upper bounds of EUR of their factors and ergodic iterations are computed.
Wolfgang Hackenbroch (1990)
Manuscripta mathematica
Karl E. Petersen, T.M. Adams (1998)
Monatshefte für Mathematik
Michel Weber (1995)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
We study the Borel summation method. We obtain a general sufficient condition for a given matrix to have the Borel property. We deduce as corollaries, earlier results obtained by G. M“uller and J.D. Hill. Our result is expressed in terms belonging to the theory of Gaussian processes. We show that this result cannot be extended to the study of the Borel summation method on arbitrary dynamical systems. However, in the -setting, we establish necessary conditions of the same kind by using Bourgain’s...
Marek Rychlik (1983)
Studia Mathematica
Dalibor Volný (1997)
Studia Mathematica
For every irrational rotation we construct a coboundary which is continuous except at a single point where it has a jump, is nondecreasing, and has zero derivative almost everywhere.
Michel Talagrand (1978)
Annales de l'institut Fourier
On étudie certains cônes de mesures sur un espace localement compact, qui sont invariantes par l’action continue d’un groupe localement compact , cette étude étant centrée sur les génératrices extrémales de ces cônes. On dégage d’abord un type très simple d’action continue où l’on décrit complètement la situation. On dégage ensuite une classe d’actions (contenant par exemple l’action de shift de Bernoulli sur ) qui ne sont pas du type précédent, et que l’on étudie en grand détail. Le résultat...
Martin H. Ellis, J. Michael Steele (1979)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Michael C. Mackey, Marta Tyran-Kamińska (2008)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Using the Perron-Frobenius operator we establish a new functional central limit theorem for non-invertible measure preserving maps that are not necessarily ergodic. We apply the result to asymptotically periodic transformations and give a specific example using the tent map.
Hawkins, Jane, Silva Cesar, E. (1998)
The New York Journal of Mathematics [electronic only]
M. Binkowska, B. Kaminski (1984)
Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont-Ferrand 2. Série Probabilités et applications