Échanges d'intervalles et transformations induites
Let f: ℙ → ℙ be a holomorphic endomorphism of a complex projective space , k ≥ 1, and let J be the Julia set of f (the topological support of the unique maximal entropy measure). Then there exists a positive number such that if ϕ: J → ℝ is a Hölder continuous function with , then ϕ admits a unique equilibrium state on J. This equilibrium state is equivalent to a fixed point of the normalized dual Perron-Frobenius operator. In addition, the dynamical system is K-mixing, whence ergodic. Proving...
Basic ergodic properties of the ELF class of automorphisms, i.e. of the class of ergodic automorphisms whose weak closure of measures supported on the graphs of iterates of T consists of ergodic self-joinings are investigated. Disjointness of the ELF class with: 2-fold simple automorphisms, interval exchange transformations given by a special type permutations and time-one maps of measurable flows is discussed. All ergodic Poisson suspension automorphisms as well as dynamical systems determined...
If the ergodic transformations S, T generate a free action on a finite non-atomic measure space (X,S,µ) then for any there exists a measurable function f on X for which and -almost everywhere as N → ∞. In the special case when S, T are rationally independent rotations of the circle this result answers a question of M. Laczkovich.
We study the convergence of the ergodic averages where is a bounded sequence and a strictly increasing sequence of integers such that for some . Moreover we give explicit such sequences and and we investigate in particular the case where is a -multiplicative sequence.
Two types of weighted ergodic averages are studied. It is shown that if F = {Fₙ} is an admissible superadditive process relative to a measure preserving transformation, then a Wiener-Wintner type result holds for F. Using this result new good classes of weights generated by such processes are obtained. We also introduce another class of weights via the group of unitary functions, and study the convergence of the corresponding weighted averages. The limits of such weighted averages are also identified....
The purpose of this note is to prove various versions of the ergodic decomposition theorem for probability measures on standard Borel spaces which are quasi-invariant under a Borel action of a locally compact second countable group or a discrete nonsingular equivalence relation. In the process we obtain a simultaneous ergodic decomposition of all quasi-invariant probability measures with a prescribed Radon-Nikodym derivative, analogous to classical results about decomposition of invariant probability...