Scalar product of Dirichlet series and the distribution of integer points on toric varieties.
MSC 2010: 30A10, 30B10, 30B30, 30B50, 30D15, 33E12In studying the behaviour of series, defined by means of the Mittag-Leffler functions, on the boundary of its domain of convergence in the complex plane, we prove Cauchy-Hadamard, Abel, Tauber and Littlewood type theorems. Asymptotic formulae are also provided for the Mittag-Leffler functions in the case of " values of indices that are used in the proofs of the convergence theorems for the considered series.
The Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series, denoted by (p ≥ 1), have been studied by Hedenmalm et al. (1997) when p = 2 and by Bayart (2002) in the general case. In this paper we study some -generalizations of spaces of Dirichlet series, particularly two families of Bergman spaces, denoted and . Each could appear as a “natural” way to generalize the classical case of the unit disk. We recover classical properties of spaces of analytic functions: boundedness of point evaluation, embeddings between...
We study extensions of classical theorems on gap power series of a complex variable to the multidimensional case.
We improve a result of Charpentier [Studia Math. 198 (2010)]. We prove that even on Fréchet spaces with a continuous norm, the existence of only one restrictively universal series implies the existence of a closed infinite-dimensional subspace of restrictively universal series.