-stability of the maximal term of the Hadamard composition of two Dirichlet series.
Résumé. Soient D un ouvert de ℂ et E un compact de D. Moyennant une hypothèse assez faible sur D et ℂ̅ E on montre que si α ∈ ]0,1[ vérifie , étant l’ouvert de niveau z ∈ D : ω(E,D,z) < α, alors toute base commune de O(E) et O(D) est une base de .
We study boundary properties of universal Taylor series. We prove that if f is a universal Taylor series on the open unit disk, then there exists a residual subset G of the unit circle such that f is unbounded on all radii with endpoints in G. We also study the effect of summability methods on universal Taylor series. In particular, we show that a Taylor series is universal if and only if its Cesàro means are universal.
We solve the Dirichlet problem for line integrals of holomorphic functions in the unit ball: For a function which is lower semi-continuous on we give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that there exists a holomorphic function such that
We solve the following Dirichlet problem on the bounded balanced domain with some additional properties: For and a positive lower semi-continuous function on with for , we construct a holomorphic function such that for , where .