Zero distribution of sequences of classical orthogonal polynomials.
We develop a new method to prove asymptotic zero distribution for different kinds of orthogonal polynomials. The method directly uses the orthogonality relations. We illustrate the procedure in four cases: classical orthogonality, non-Hermitian orthogonality, orthogonality in rational approximation of Markov functions and its non- Hermitian variant.
Under certain mild analytic assumptions one obtains a lower bound, essentially of order , for the number of zeros and poles of a Dirichlet series in a disk of radius . A more precise result is also obtained under more restrictive assumptions but still applying to a large class of Dirichlet series.
We prove that as , the zeros of the polynomial cluster on (a part of) a level curve of an explicit harmonic function. This generalizes previous results of Boggs, Driver, Duren et al. (1999–2001) to the case of a complex parameter and partially proves a conjecture made by the authors in an earlier work.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30B40, 30B10, 30C15, 31A15.We are concerned with overconvergent power series. The main idea is to relate the distribution of the zeros of subsequences of partial sums and the phenomenon of overconvergence. Sufficient conditions for a power series to be overconvergent in terms of the distribution of the zeros of a subsequence are provided, and results of Jentzsch-Szegö type about the asymptotic distribution of the zeros of overconvergent subsequences are stated....