Sandwich-type results for a class of functions defined by a generalized differential operator
We improve the bounds of the third order Hankel determinant for two classes of univalent functions with bounded turning.
We establish a sharp norm estimate of the Schwarzian derivative for a function in the classes of convex functions introduced by Ma and Minda [Proceedings of the Conference on Complex Analysis, Int. Press, 1992, 157-169]. As applications, we give sharp norm estimates for strongly convex functions of order α, 0 < α < 1, and for uniformly convex functions.
We consider the following questions: given a hyperbolic plane domain and a separation of its complement into two disjoint closed sets each of which contains at least two points, what is the shortest closed hyperbolic geodesic which separates these sets and is it a simple closed curve? We show that a shortest geodesic always exists although in general it may not be simple. However, one can also always find a shortest simple curve and we call such a geodesic a meridian of the domain. We prove that,...
In this paper we investigate some extensions of sufficient conditions for meromorphic multivalent functions in the open unit disk to be meromorphic multivalent starlike and convex of order α. Our results unify and extend some starlikeness and convexity conditions for meromorphic multivalent functions obtained by Xu et al. [2], and some interesting special cases are given.
Using the operator , we introduce the subclasses and of normalized analytic functions. Among the results investigated for each of these function classes, we derive some subordination results involving the Hadamard product of the associated functions. The interesting consequences of some of these subordination results are also discussed. Also, we derive integral means results for these classes.