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Inequalities and Asymptotic Formulae for the Three Parametric Mittag-Leffler Functions

Paneva-Konovska, Jordanka (2012)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 33E12, 30A10, 30D15, 30E15We consider some families of 3-index generalizations of the classical Mittag-Le²er functions and study the behaviour of these functions in domains of the complex plane. First, some inequalities in the complex plane and on its compact subsets are obtained. We also prove an asymptotic formula for the case of "large" values of the indices of these functions. Similar results have also been obtained by the author for the classical Bessel functions and their Wright's...

Integro-differential-difference equations associated with the Dunkl operator and entire functions

Néjib Ben Salem, Samir Kallel (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this work we consider the Dunkl operator on the complex plane, defined by 𝒟 k f ( z ) = d d z f ( z ) + k f ( z ) - f ( - z ) z , k 0 . We define a convolution product associated with 𝒟 k denoted * k and we study the integro-differential-difference equations of the type μ * k f = n = 0 a n , k 𝒟 k n f , where ( a n , k ) is a sequence of complex numbers and μ is a measure over the real line. We show that many of these equations provide representations for particular classes of entire functions of exponential type.

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