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Normality and shared sets of meromorphic functions

Guo-Bin Lin, Jun-Fan Chen (2011)

Open Mathematics

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the normal families and shared sets of meromorphic functions. The results obtained complement the related results due to Fang, Liu and Pang.

Normality criteria and multiple values II

Yan Xu, Jianming Chang (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let ℱ be a family of meromorphic functions defined in a domain D, let ψ (≢ 0, ∞) be a meromorphic function in D, and k be a positive integer. If, for every f ∈ ℱ and z ∈ D, (1) f≠ 0, f ( k ) 0 ; (2) all zeros of f ( k ) - ψ have multiplicities at least (k+2)/k; (3) all poles of ψ have multiplicities at most k, then ℱ is normal in D.

Normality criteria for families of zero-free meromorphic functions

Jun-Fan Chen (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let ℱ be a family of zero-free meromorphic functions in a domain D, let n, k and m be positive integers with n ≥ m+1, and let a ≠ 0 and b be finite complex numbers. If for each f ∈ ℱ, f m + a ( f ( k ) ) - b has at most nk zeros in D, ignoring multiplicities, then ℱ is normal in D. The examples show that the result is sharp.

Note on the normal family.

Xu, Junfeng, Zhang, Zhanliang (2006)

JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics [electronic only]

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