Computing Elliptic Integrals by Duplication.
The conformal mapping ω(z) of a domain D onto the unit disc must satisfy the condition |ω(t)| = 1 on ∂D, the boundary of D. The last condition can be considered as a Dirichlet problem for the domain D. In the present paper this problem is reduced to a system of functional equations when ∂D is a circular polygon with zero angles. The mapping is given in terms of a Poincaré series.
Let a be a sequence of points in the unit ball of Cn. Eric Amar and the author have introduced the nonnegative quantity ρ(a) = infα infk Πj:j≠k dG(αj, αk), where dG is the Gleason distance in the unit disk and the first infimum is taken over all sequences α in the unit disk which map to a by a map from the disk to the ball.The value of ρ(a) is related to whether a is an interpolating sequence with respect to analytic disks passing through it, and if a is an interpolating sequence in the ball, then...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A10, 30E10, 41A65.In this paper we consider an L^2 type space of scalar functions L^2 M, A (R u iR) which can be, in particular, the usual L^2 space of scalar functions on R u iR. We find conditions for density of polynomials in this space using a connection with the L^2 space of square-integrable matrix-valued functions on R with respect to a non-negative Hermitian matrix measure. The completness of L^2 M, A (R u iR ) is also established.
We prove some conditions on a complex sequence for the existence of universal functions with respect to sequences of certain derivative and antiderivative operators related to it. These operators are defined on the space of holomorphic functions in a complex domain. Conditions for the equicontinuity of those sequences are also studied. The conditions depend upon the size of the domain.