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On convergence sets of divergent power series

Buma L. Fridman, Daowei Ma, Tejinder S. Neelon (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A nonlinear generalization of convergence sets of formal power series, in the sense of Abhyankar-Moh [J. Reine Angew. Math. 241 (1970)], is introduced. Given a family y = φ s ( t , x ) = s b ( x ) t + b ( x ) t ² + of analytic curves in ℂ × ℂⁿ passing through the origin, C o n v φ ( f ) of a formal power series f(y,t,x) ∈ ℂ[[y,t,x]] is defined to be the set of all s ∈ ℂ for which the power series f ( φ s ( t , x ) , t , x ) converges as a series in (t,x). We prove that for a subset E ⊂ ℂ there exists a divergent formal power series f(y,t,x) ∈ ℂ[[y,t,x]] such that E = C o n v φ ( f ) if and only if...

On extensions of holomorphic functions satisfying a polynomial growth condition on algebraic varieties in 𝐂 n

Jean Erik Björk (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let V be an algebraic variety in C n and when k 0 is an integer then Pol ( V , k ) denotes all holomorphic functions f ( z ) on V satisfying | f ( z ) | C f ( 1 + | z | ) k for all z V and some constant C f . We estimate the least integer ϵ ( V , k ) such that every f Pol ( V , k ) admits an extension from V into C n by a polynomial P ( z 1 , ... , z n ) , of degree k + ϵ ( V , k ) at most. In particular lim k > ϵ ( V , k ) is related to cohomology groups with coefficients in coherent analytic sheaves on V . The existence of the finite integer ϵ ( V , k ) is for example an easy consequence of Kodaira’s Vanishing Theorem.

On holomorphic maps into compact non-Kähler manifolds

Masahide Kato, Noboru Okada (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the extension problem of holomorphic maps σ : H X of a Hartogs domain H with values in a complex manifold X . For compact Kähler manifolds as well as various non-Kähler manifolds, the maximal domain Ω σ of extension for σ over Δ is contained in a subdomain of Δ . For such manifolds, we define, in this paper, an invariant Hex n ( X ) using the Hausdorff dimensions of the singular sets of σ ’s and study its properties to deduce informations on the complex structure of X .

On the complexification of real-analytic polynomial mappings of ℝ²

Ewa Ligocka (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a simple algebraic condition on the leading homogeneous term of a polynomial mapping from ℝ² into ℝ² which is equivalent to the fact that the complexification of this mapping can be extended to a polynomial endomorphism of ℂℙ². We also prove that this extension acts on ℂℙ²∖ℂ² as a quotient of finite Blaschke products.

On the Hartogs extension theorem

Tomasz Sobieszek (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This paper contains a new approach to a proof of the Hartogs extension theorem and its generalisation. The proof bases only on one complex variable methods.

On the removable singularities for meromorphic mappings.

Evgeny M. Chirka (1996)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

If E is a closed subset of locally finite Hausdorff (2n-2)-measure on an n-dimensional complex manifold Ω and all the points of E are nonremovable for a meromorphic mapping of Ω E into a compact Kähler manifold, then E is a pure (n-1)-dimensional complex analytic subset of Ω.

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