Envelope of Dirichlet problems on a domain in
Dans cet article, on construit tout d’abord un noyau de Cauchy explicite dans la boule unité de dont les valeurs au bord sont égales au noyau de Szegö. Puis, à partir de ce noyau, on construit explicitement les noyaux qui fournissent les solutions de l’équation qui sont orthogonales aux fonctions holomorphes dans les espaces , où , étant la mesure de Lebesgue et un réel . Nous donnons ensuite les principales estimations dedans et au bord que vérifient ces solutions. Dans une deuxième...
This paper is devoted to internal capacity characteristics of a domain D ⊂ ℂⁿ, relative to a point a ∈ D, which have their origin in the notion of the conformal radius of a simply connected plane domain relative to a point. Our main goal is to study the internal Chebyshev constants and transfinite diameters for a domain D ⊂ ℂⁿ and its boundary ∂D relative to a point a ∈ D in the spirit of the author's article [Math. USSR-Sb. 25 (1975), 350-364], where similar characteristics have been investigated...
We prove that continuity properties of bounded analytic functions in bounded smoothly bounded pseudoconvex domains in two-dimensional affine space are determined by their behaviour near the Shilov boundary. Namely, if the function has continuous extension to an open subset of the boundary containing the Shilov boundary it extends continuously to the whole boundary. If it is e.g. Hölder continuous on such a boundary set, it is Hölder continuous on the closure of the domain. The statements may fail...