On the computation of zeros and turning points of Bessel functions
We deal with several classes of integral transformations of the form where is an operator. In case is the identity operator, we obtain several operator properties on with weights for a generalized operator related to the Fourier cosine and the Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transforms. For a class of differential operators of infinite order, we prove the unitary property of these transforms on and define the inversion formula. Further, for an other class of differential operators of finite...
Inspired by work of Montgomery on Fourier series and Donoho-Strak in signal processing, we investigate two families of rearrangement inequalities for the Fourier transform. More precisely, we show that the behavior of a Fourier transform of a function over a small set is controlled by the behavior of the Fourier transform of its symmetric decreasing rearrangement. In the case, the same is true if we further assume that the function has a support of finite measure.As a byproduct, we also give...
The method of brackets is a method of integration based upon a small number of heuristic rules. Some of these have been made rigorous. An example of an integral involving the Bessel function is used to motivate a new evaluation rule.
Mathematics Subject Class.: 33C10,33D60,26D15,33D05,33D15,33D90In this paper we give the q-analogue of the higher-order Bessel operators studied by I. Dimovski [3],[4], I. Dimovski and V. Kiryakova [5],[6], M. I. Klyuchantsev [17], V. Kiryakova [15], [16], A. Fitouhi, N. H. Mahmoud and S. A. Ould Ahmed Mahmoud [8], and recently by many other authors. Our objective is twofold. First, using the q-Jackson integral and the q-derivative, we aim at establishing some properties of this function with proofs...
This paper is concerned with the action of a special formally real Jordan algebra U on an Euclidean space E, with the decomposition of E under this action and with an application of this decomposition to the study of Bessel functions on the self-adjoint homogeneous cone associated to U.