La multiplication d'une forme linéaire par une fraction rationnelle. Application aux formes de Laguerre-Hahn
Laguerre polynomials with four parameters
Laguerre series and the Cauchy integral representation
Laguerre-type Bell polynomials.
Laguerre-type exponentials, and the relevant -circular and -hyperbolic functions.
Landau and Kolmogoroff type polynomial inequalities.
Laplace transform pairs of N-dimensions and second order linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients.
Left-definite variations of the classical Fourier expansion theorem.
Legendre polynomials and supercongruences
Let p > 3 be a prime, and let Rₚ be the set of rational numbers whose denominator is not divisible by p. Let Pₙ(x) be the Legendre polynomials. In this paper we mainly show that for m,n,t ∈ Rₚ with m≢ 0 (mod p), and , where (a/p) is the Legendre symbol and [x] is the greatest integer function. As an application we solve some conjectures of Z. W. Sun and the author concerning , where m is an integer not divisible by p.
Les polynômes orthogonaux auto-associés modulo deux
Linearization and Connection Coefficients of Orthogonal Polynomials.
Linearization coefficients for Sheffer polynomial sets via lowering operators.
Linearization coefficients for the Jacobi polynomials.
Linearization of Arbitrary products of classical orthogonal polynomials
A procedure is proposed in order to expand where belongs to aclassical orthogonal polynomial sequence (Jacobi, Bessel, Laguerre and Hermite) (). We first derive a linear differential equation of order satisfied by w, fromwhich we deduce a recurrence relation in k for the linearizationcoefficients . We develop in detail the two cases , and give the recurrencerelation in some cases (N=3,4), when the polynomials are monic Hermite orthogonal polynomials.
Linearization of the product of orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable
Let be any sequence of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable. We give explicitly a recurrence relation (in k) for the coefficients in , in terms of the coefficients σ and τ of the Pearson equation satisfied by the weight function ϱ, and the coefficients of the three-term recurrence relation and of two structure relations obeyed by .
Linearization relations for the generalized Bedient polynomials of the first and second kinds via their integral representations
The main object of this paper is to investigate several general families of hypergeometric polynomials and their associated multiple integral representations. By suitably specializing our main results, the corresponding integral representations are deduced for such familiar classes of hypergeometric polynomials as (for example) the generalized Bedient polynomials of the first and second kinds. Each of the integral representations, which are derived in this paper, may be viewed also as a linearization...
Linearly-invariant families and generalized Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials
The extremal functions f0(z) realizing the maxima of some functionals (e.g. max |a3|, and max arg f′(z)) within the so-called universal linearly invariant family Uα (in the sense of Pommerenke [10]) have such a form that f′0(z) looks similar to generating function for Meixner-Pollaczek (MP) polynomials [2], [8]. This fact gives motivation for the definition and study of the generalized Meixner-Pollaczek (GMP) polynomials Pλn (x; θ,ψ) of a real variable x as coefficients of [###] where the parameters...
Local estimates for Jacobi polynomials.
Low-rank tensor representation of Slater-type and Hydrogen-like orbitals
The paper focuses on a low-rank tensor structured representation of Slater-type and Hydrogen-like orbital basis functions that can be used in electronic structure calculations. Standard packages use the Gaussian-type basis functions which allow us to analytically evaluate the necessary integrals. Slater-type and Hydrogen-like orbital functions are physically more appropriate, but they are not analytically integrable. A numerical integration is too expensive when using the standard discretization...