La multiplication d'une forme linéaire par une fraction rationnelle. Application aux formes de Laguerre-Hahn
Laguerre polynomials with four parameters
Laguerre series and the Cauchy integral representation
Laguerre-type Bell polynomials.
Laguerre-type exponentials, and the relevant -circular and -hyperbolic functions.
Landau and Kolmogoroff type polynomial inequalities.
Laplace transform pairs of N-dimensions.
Laplace transform pairs of N-dimensions and second order linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients.
Left-definite variations of the classical Fourier expansion theorem.
Legendre polynomials and supercongruences
Let p > 3 be a prime, and let Rₚ be the set of rational numbers whose denominator is not divisible by p. Let Pₙ(x) be the Legendre polynomials. In this paper we mainly show that for m,n,t ∈ Rₚ with m≢ 0 (mod p), and , where (a/p) is the Legendre symbol and [x] is the greatest integer function. As an application we solve some conjectures of Z. W. Sun and the author concerning , where m is an integer not divisible by p.
Leonard pairs from the equitable basis of .
Les polynômes orthogonaux auto-associés modulo deux
Level sets of polynomials in several real variables.
Lie Derivatives, Killing΄s Equations GegenBauer Polynomials: A Combined Use for the Evaluation of some Useful Integrals
Lie Theoretic Generating Functions
Lie theory and certain identities satisfied by
Linear differential equations and multiple zeta values. I. Zeta(2)
Certain generating fuctions for multiple zeta values are expressed as values at some point of solutions of linear meromorphic differential equations. We apply asymptotic expansion methods (like the WKB method and the Stokes operators) to solutions of these equations. In this way we give a new proof of the Euler formula ζ(2) = π²/6. In further papers we plan to apply this method to study some third order hypergeometric equation related to ζ(3).
Linear Forms in Elliptic Integrals.
Linear independence of linear forms in polylogarithms
For , , , let be the -th polylogarithm of . We prove that for any non-zero algebraic number such that , the -vector space spanned by has infinite dimension. This result extends a previous one by Rivoal for rational . The main tool is a method introduced by Fischler and Rivoal, which shows the coefficients of the polylogarithms in the relevant series to be the unique solution of a suitable Padé approximation problem.