Conditions for convergence of the fundamental matrix of linear time-invariant time-delayed singular systems.
In this paper we obtain existence conditions and a closed form of the general solution of higher order singular regular boundary value problems. The approach is based on the concept of co-solution of algebraic matrix equations of polynomial type that permits the treatment of the problem without considering an extended first order system as it has been done in the known literature.
Dans cet article on cherche à comprendre la dynamique locale d’équations différentielles implicites de la forme , où est un germe de fonction sur (où ou ), au voisinage d’un point singulier. Pour cela on utilise la relation intime entre les systèmes implicites et les champs liouvilliens. La classification par transformation de contact des équations implicites provient de la classification symplectique des champs liouvilliens. On utilise alors toute la théorie des formes normales pour les...
We prove two existence results on abstract differential equations of the type and we give some applications of them to partial differential equations.
We revisit the existence problem for shock profiles in quasilinear relaxation systems in the case that the velocity is a characteristic mode, implying that the profile ODE is degenerate. Our result states existence, with sharp rates of decay and distance from the Chapman–Enskog approximation, of small-amplitude quasilinear relaxation shocks. Our method of analysis follows the general approach used by Métivier and Zumbrun in the semilinear case, based on Chapman–Enskog expansion and the macro–micro...