Integration der linearen Differentialgleichung ..................... in welcher n eine ganze positive Zahl und A, B, C constante Zahlen bezeichnen, mittelst bestimmter Integrale
By employing the matrix Riccati technique and the integral averaging technique, new interval oscillation criteria are established for second-order matrix differential systems of the form [P(t)Y']' + Q(t)Y = 0.
By using the generalized Riccati technique and the averaging technique, we establish new oscillation criteria for the second order self-adjoint matrix differential system with damping (P(t)Y'(t))' + r(t)P(t)Y'(t) + Q(t)Y(t) = 0, t ≥ t₀. The criteria are different from most known ones in the sense that they are based on the information only on a sequence of subintervals of [t₀,∞), rather than on the whole half-line. In particular, our results complement a number of...
By using monotone functionals and positive linear functionals on a suitable matrix space, new oscillation criteria for second order self-adjoint matrix differential systems with damping are given. The results are extensions of the Kamenev type oscillation criteria obtained by Wong for second order self-adjoint matrix differential systems with damping. These extensions also include an earlier result of Erbe et al.