On the structure of the solution set of evolution inclusions with time-dependent subdifferentials.
The existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of weak solutions of functional-differential abstract nonlocal Cauchy problems in a Banach space are studied. Methods of m-accretive operators and the Banach contraction theorem are applied.
In this paper, first we consider parametric control systems driven by nonlinear evolution equations defined on an evolution triple of spaces. The parametres are time-varying probability measures (Young measures) defined on a compact metric space. The appropriate optimization problem is a minimax control problem, in which the system analyst minimizes the maximum cost (risk). Under general hypotheses on the data we establish the existence of optimal controls. Then we pass to nonparametric...
In this paper we consider the optimal control of both operators and parameters for uncertain systems. For the optimal control and identification problem, we show existence of an optimal solution and present necessary conditions of optimality.
We present a new theorem on the differential inequality . Next, we apply this result to obtain existence theorems for the equation .