Displaying 21 – 40 of 111

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Commutants of the Dunkl Operators in C(R)

Dimovski, Ivan, Hristov, Valentin, Sifi, Mohamed (2006)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 44A35; 42A75; 47A16, 47L10, 47L80The Dunkl operators.* Supported by the Tunisian Research Foundation under 04/UR/15-02.

Decentralized robust tracking control of uncertain large scale systems with multiple delays in the interconnections

Hansheng Wu (2009)


The problem of the decentralized robust tracking and model following is considered for a class of uncertain large scale systems including time-varying delays in the interconnections. On the basis of the Razumikhin-type theorem and the Lyapunov stability theory, a class of decentralized memoryless local state feedback controllers is proposed for robust tracking of dynamical signals. It is shown that by employing the proposed decentralized robust tracking controllers, one can guarantee that the tracking...

Delay-dependent stability of high-order neutral systems

Yanbin Zhao, Guang-Da Hu (2021)


In this note, we are concerned with delay-dependent stability of high-order delay systems of neutral type. A bound of unstable eigenvalues of the systems is derived by the spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix. The nonnegative matrix is related to the coefficient matrices. A stability criterion is presented which is a necessary and sufficient condition for the delay-dependent stability of the systems. Based on the criterion, a numerical algorithm is provided which avoids the computation of the...

Estimates for Principal Lyapunov Exponents: A Survey

Janusz Mierczyński (2014)

Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

This is a survey of known results on estimating the principal Lyapunov exponent of a timedependent linear differential equation possessing some monotonicity properties. Equations considered are mainly strongly cooperative systems of ordinary differential equations and parabolic partial differential equations of second order. The estimates are given either in terms of the principal (dominant) eigenvalue of some derived time-independent equation or in terms of the parameters of the equation itself....

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 111