Solution of multi-delay systems via combined block-pulse functions and Legendre polynomials.
We establish new efficient conditions sufficient for the unique solvability of the initial value problem for two-dimensional systems of linear functional differential equations with monotone operators.
Some Wintner and Nehari type oscillation criteria are established for the second-order linear delay differential equation.
In this paper, stability of linear neutral systems with distributed delay is investigated. A bounded half circular region which includes all unstable characteristic roots, is obtained. Using the argument principle, stability criteria are derived which are necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability of the neutral systems. The stability criteria need only to evaluate the characteristic function on a straight segment on the imaginary axis and the argument on the boundary of a bounded...
The “freezing” method for ordinary differential equations is extended to multivariable retarded systems with distributed delays and slowly varying coefficients. Explicit stability conditions are derived. The main tool of the paper is a combined usage of the generalized Bohl-Perron principle and norm estimates for the fundamental solutions of the considered equations.
The “freezing” method for ordinary differential equations is extended to multivariable retarded systems with distributed delays and slowly varying coefficients. Explicit stability conditions are derived. The main tool of the paper is a combined usage of the generalized Bohl-Perron principle and norm estimates for the fundamental solutions of the considered equations.
In economic systems, reactions to external shocks often come with a delay. On the other hand, agents try to anticipate future developments. Both can lead to difference-differential equations with an advancing argument. These are more difficult to handle than either difference or differential equations, but they have the merit of added realism and increased credibility. This paper generalizes a model from monetary economics by von Kalckreuth and Schröder. Working out its stability properties, we...