Some remarks on -valued functions
This text is the act of a talk given november 18 2008 at the seminar PDE of Ecole Polytechnique. The text is not completely faithfull to the oral exposition for I have taken this opportunity to present the proofs of some results that are not easy to find in the literature. On the other hand, I have been less precise on the material for which I found good references. Most of the novelties presented here come from a joined work with Luigi Ambrosio.
In this paper, we study the time asymptotic behavior of the solution to an abstract Cauchy problem on Banach spaces without restriction on the initial data. The abstract results are then applied to the study of the time asymptotic behavior of solutions of an one-dimensional transport equation with boundary conditions in -space arising in growing cell populations and originally introduced by M. Rotenberg, J. Theoret. Biol. 103 (1983), 181–199.
The Cauchy problem for a multidimensional linear transport equation with discontinuous coefficient is investigated. Provided the coefficient satisfies a one-sided Lipschitz condition, existence, uniqueness and weak stability of solutions are obtained for either the conservative backward problem or the advective forward problem by duality. Specific uniqueness criteria are introduced for the backward conservation equation since weak solutions are not unique. A main point is the introduction of a generalized...