A boundary value problem for Beltrami differential equation
Solutions to Beltrami differential equation with prescribed boundary correspondence in some plane domains are given.
Solutions to Beltrami differential equation with prescribed boundary correspondence in some plane domains are given.
A continuous finite element method to approximate Friedrichs' systems is proposed and analyzed. Stability is achieved by penalizing the jumps across mesh interfaces of the normal derivative of some components of the discrete solution. The convergence analysis leads to optimal convergence rates in the graph norm and suboptimal of order ½ convergence rates in the L2-norm. A variant of the method specialized to Friedrichs' systems associated with elliptic PDE's in mixed form and reducing the number...
We study the mathematical properties of a general model of cell division structured with several internal variables. We begin with a simpler and specific model with two variables, we solve the eigenvalue problem with strong or weak assumptions, and deduce from it the long-time convergence. The main difficulty comes from natural degeneracy of birth terms that we overcome with a regularization technique. We then extend the results to the case with several parameters and recall the link between this...