Analysis of the mushy region in conduction-convection problems with change of phase.
This note reports on recent results on the anisotropic Calderón problem obtained in a joint work with Carlos E. Kenig, Mikko Salo and Gunther Uhlmann [8]. The approach is based on the construction of complex geometrical optics solutions to the Schrödinger equation involving phases introduced in the work [12] of Kenig, Sjöstrand and Uhlmann in the isotropic setting. We characterize those manifolds where the construction is possible, and give applications to uniqueness for the corresponding anisotropic...
We consider an abstract parabolic problem in a framework of maximal monotone graphs, possibly multi-valued, with growth conditions formulated with the help of an x-dependent N-function. The main novelty of the paper consists in the lack of any growth restrictions on the N-function combined with its anisotropic character, namely we allow the dependence on all the directions of the gradient, not only on its absolute value. This leads to using the notion of modular convergence and studying in detail...
In this paper we are concerned with the solution of degenerate variational inequalities. To solve this problem numerically, we propose a numerical scheme which is based on the relaxation scheme using non-standard time discretization. The approximate solution on each time level is obtained in the iterative way by solving the corresponding elliptic variational inequalities. The convergence of the method is proved.