Displaying 121 – 140 of 1900

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A stability result in the localization of cavities in a thermic conducting medium

B. Canuto, Edi Rosset, S. Vessella (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove a logarithmic stability estimate for a parabolic inverse problem concerning the localization of unknown cavities in a thermic conducting medium Ω in n , n ≥ 2, from a single pair of boundary measurements of temperature and thermal flux.

A stationary flow of fresh and salt groundwater in a heterogeneous coastal aquifer

S. Challal, A. Lyaghfouri (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si stabilisce l'esistenza e l'unicità di una soluzione monotona per il problema di frontiera libera correlato al flusso stazionare d'acqua dolce e salata intorno ad un acquifero eterogeneo. Si provano la continuità e l'esistenza di un limite asintotico della frontiera libera.

A strong maximum principle for the Paneitz operator and a non-local flow for the Q -curvature

Matthew J. Gursky, Andrea Malchiodi (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper we consider Riemannian manifolds ( M n , g ) of dimension n 5 , with semi-positive Q -curvature and non-negative scalar curvature. Under these assumptions we prove (i) the Paneitz operator satisfies a strong maximum principle; (ii) the Paneitz operator is a positive operator; and (iii) its Green’s function is strictly positive. We then introduce a non-local flow whose stationary points are metrics of constant positive Q -curvature. Modifying the test function construction of Esposito-Robert, we show...

A subelliptic Bourgain–Brezis inequality

Yi Wang, Po-Lam Yung (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove an approximation lemma on (stratified) homogeneous groups that allows one to approximate a function in the non-isotropic Sobolev space N L ˙ 1 , Q by L functions, generalizing a result of Bourgain–Brezis. We then use this to obtain a Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality for on the Heisenberg group n .

A Survey on Mathematical Modelling of Deposition in Waxy Crude Oils

A. Fasano, L. Fusi, S. Correra, M. Margarone (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Waxy Crude Oils (WCO’s) are characterized by the presence of heavy paraffins in sufficiently large concentrations. They exhibit quite complex thermodynamical and rheological behaviour and present the peculiar property of giving rise to the formation of segregated wax deposits, when temperature falls down the so called WAT, or Wax Appearance Temperature. In extreme cases, segregated waxes may lead to pipeline occlusion due to deposition on cold walls....

A tensor approximation method based on ideal minimal residual formulations for the solution of high-dimensional problems

M. Billaud-Friess, A. Nouy, O. Zahm (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper, we propose a method for the approximation of the solution of high-dimensional weakly coercive problems formulated in tensor spaces using low-rank approximation formats. The method can be seen as a perturbation of a minimal residual method with a measure of the residual corresponding to the error in a specified solution norm. The residual norm can be designed such that the resulting low-rank approximations are optimal with respect to particular norms of interest, thus allowing to take...

A Transmission Strategy for Hyperbolic Internal Waves of Small Width

Olivier Gues, Jeffrey Rauch (2005/2006)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

Semilinear hyperbolic problems with source terms piecewise smooth and discontinuous across characteristic surfaces yield similarly piecewise smooth solutions. If the discontinuous source is replaced with a smooth transition layer, the discontinuity of the solution is replaced by a smooth internal layer. In this paper we describe how the layer structure of the solution can be computed from the layer structure of the source in the limit of thin layers. The key idea is to use a transmission problem...

A variational analysis of a gauged nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Alessio Pomponio, David Ruiz (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

This paper is motivated by a gauged Schrödinger equation in dimension 2 including the so-called Chern-Simons term. The study of radial stationary states leads to the nonlocal problem: - Δ u ( x ) + ω + h 2 ( | x | ) | x | 2 + | x | + h ( s ) s u 2 ( s ) d s u ( x ) = | u ( x ) | p - 1 u ( x ) , where h ( r ) = 1 2 0 r s u 2 ( s ) d s . This problem is the Euler-Lagrange equation of a certain energy functional. In this paper the study of the global behavior of such functional is completed. We show that for p ( 1 , 3 ) , the functional may be bounded from below or not, depending on ω . Quite surprisingly, the threshold value for ω is explicit. From...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 1900