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Solvability of the functional equation f = (T-I)h for vector-valued functions

Ryotaro Sato (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be a reflexive Banach space and (Ω,,μ) be a probability measure space. Let T: M(μ;X) → M(μ;X) be a linear operator, where M(μ;X) is the space of all X-valued strongly measurable functions on (Ω,,μ). We assume that T is continuous in the sense that if (fₙ) is a sequence in M(μ;X) and l i m n f = f in measure for some f ∈ M(μ;X), then also l i m n T f = T f in measure. Then we consider the functional equation f = (T-I)h, where f ∈ M(μ;X) is given. We obtain several conditions for the existence of h ∈ M(μ;X) satisfying...

Some examples of cocycles with simple continuous singular spectrum

K. Frączek (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We study spectral properties of Anzai skew products T φ : ² ² defined by T φ ( z , ω ) = ( e 2 π i α z , φ ( z ) ω ) , where α is irrational and φ: → is a measurable cocycle. Precisely, we deal with the case where φ is piecewise absolutely continuous such that the sum of all jumps of φ equals zero. It is shown that the simple continuous singular spectrum of T φ on the orthocomplement of the space of functions depending only on the first variable is a “typical” property in the above-mentioned class of cocycles, if α admits a sufficiently fast approximation....

Sur la cohomologie dans les schémas de Bernoulli

Thierry de la Rue (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce an invariant of cohomology in Bernoulli shifts, which is used to answer a question about cohomology of Hölder functions with finitary functions whose coding time is integrable. When restricted to the class of Hölder functions, this invariant even provides a criterion of cohomology.

The Morse minimal system is finitarily Kakutani equivalent to the binary odometer

Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury, Daniel J. Rudolph (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Two invertible dynamical systems (X,,μ,T) and (Y,,ν,S), where X and Y are Polish spaces and Borel probability spaces and T, S are measure preserving homeomorphisms of X and Y, are said to be finitarily orbit equivalent if there exists an invertible measure preserving mapping ϕ from a subset X₀ of X of measure one onto a subset Y₀ of Y of full measure such that (1) ϕ | X is continuous in the relative topology on X₀ and ϕ - 1 | Y is continuous in the relative topology on Y₀, (2) ϕ ( O r b T ( x ) ) = O r b S ( ϕ ( x ) ) for μ-a.e. x ∈ X. (X,,μ,T) and...

The return sequence of the Bowen-Series map for punctured surfaces

Manuel Stadlbauer (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a non-compact hyperbolic surface M of finite area, we study a certain Poincaré section for the geodesic flow. The canonical, non-invertible factor of the first return map to this section is shown to be pointwise dual ergodic with return sequence (aₙ) given by aₙ = π/(4(Area(M) + 2π)) · n/(log n). We use this result to deduce that the section map itself is rationally ergodic, and that the geodesic flow associated to M is ergodic with respect to the Liouville measure. ...

The Ruelle rotation of Killing vector fields

Konstantin Athanassopoulos (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We present an explicit formula for the Ruelle rotation of a nonsingular Killing vector field of a closed, oriented, Riemannian 3-manifold, with respect to Riemannian volume.

Théorème de Kurosh pour les relations d’équivalence boréliennes

Aurélien Alvarez (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

En théorie des groupes, le théorème de Kurosh est un résultat de structure concernant les sous-groupes d’un produit libre de groupes. Le théorème principal de cet article est un résultat analogue dans le cadre des relations d’équivalence boréliennes à classes dénombrables, que nous démontrons en développant une théorie de Bass-Serre dans ce cadre particulier.

Weakly mixing rank-one transformations conjugate to their squares

Alexandre I. Danilenko (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Utilizing the cut-and-stack techniques we construct explicitly a weakly mixing rigid rank-one transformation T which is conjugate to T². Moreover, it is proved that for each odd q, there is such a T commuting with a transformation of order q. For any n, we show the existence of a weakly mixing T conjugate to T² and whose rank is finite and greater than n.

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