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On the ergodic decomposition for a cocycle

Jean-Pierre Conze, Albert Raugi (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let (X,,μ,τ) be an ergodic dynamical system and φ be a measurable map from X to a locally compact second countable group G with left Haar measure m G . We consider the map τ φ defined on X × G by τ φ : ( x , g ) ( τ x , φ ( x ) g ) and the cocycle ( φ ) n generated by φ. Using a characterization of the ergodic invariant measures for τ φ , we give the form of the ergodic decomposition of μ ( d x ) m G ( d g ) or more generally of the τ φ -invariant measures μ χ ( d x ) χ ( g ) m G ( d g ) , where μ χ ( d x ) is χ∘φ-conformal for an exponential χ on G.

On v-positive type transformations in infinite measure

Tudor Pădurariu, Cesar E. Silva, Evangelie Zachos (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For each vector v we define the notion of a v-positive type for infinite-measure-preserving transformations, a refinement of positive type as introduced by Hajian and Kakutani. We prove that a positive type transformation need not be (1,2)-positive type. We study this notion in the context of Markov shifts and multiple recurrence, and give several examples.

On weakly mixing and doubly ergodic nonsingular actions

Sarah Iams, Brian Katz, Cesar E. Silva, Brian Street, Kirsten Wickelgren (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study weak mixing and double ergodicity for nonsingular actions of locally compact Polish abelian groups. We show that if T is a nonsingular action of G, then T is weakly mixing if and only if for all cocompact subgroups A of G the action of T restricted to A is weakly mixing. We show that a doubly ergodic nonsingular action is weakly mixing and construct an infinite measure-preserving flow that is weakly mixing but not doubly ergodic. We also construct an infinite measure-preserving flow whose...

On μ-compatible metrics and measurable sensitivity

Ilya Grigoriev, Marius Cătălin Iordan, Amos Lubin, Nathaniel Ince, Cesar E. Silva (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce the notion of W-measurable sensitivity, which extends and strictly implies canonical measurable sensitivity, a measure-theoretic version of sensitive dependence on initial conditions. This notion also implies pairwise sensitivity with respect to a large class of metrics. We show that nonsingular ergodic and conservative dynamical systems on standard spaces must be either W-measurably sensitive, or isomorphic mod 0 to a minimal uniformly rigid isometry. In the finite measure-preserving...

Partition sensitivity for measurable maps

C. A. Morales (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study countable partitions for measurable maps on measure spaces such that, for every point x , the set of points with the same itinerary as that of x is negligible. We prove in nonatomic probability spaces that every strong generator (Parry, W., Aperiodic transformations and generators, J. London Math. Soc. 43 (1968), 191–194) satisfies this property (but not conversely). In addition, measurable maps carrying partitions with this property are aperiodic and their corresponding spaces are nonatomic....

Poisson suspensions of compactly regenerative transformations

Roland Zweimüller (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For infinite measure preserving transformations with a compact regeneration property we establish a central limit theorem for visits to good sets of finite measure by points from Poissonian ensembles. This extends classical results about (noninteracting) infinite particle systems driven by Markov chains to the realm of systems driven by weakly dependent processes generated by certain measure preserving transformations.

Positive L¹ operators associated with nonsingular mappings and an example of E. Hille

Isaac Kornfeld, Wojciech Kosek (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

E. Hille [Hi1] gave an example of an operator in L¹[0,1] satisfying the mean ergodic theorem (MET) and such that supₙ||Tⁿ|| = ∞ (actually, | | T | | n 1 / 4 ). This was the first example of a non-power bounded mean ergodic L¹ operator. In this note, the possible rates of growth (in n) of the norms of Tⁿ for such operators are studied. We show that, for every γ > 0, there are positive L¹ operators T satisfying the MET with l i m n | | T | | / n 1 - γ = . I n t h e c l a s s o f p o s i t i v e o p e r a t o r s t h e s e e x a m p l e s a r e t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e i n t h e s e n s e t h a t f o r e v e r y s u c h o p e r a t o r T t h e r e e x i s t s a γ > 0 s u c h t h a t lim supn→ ∞ ||Tⁿ||/n1-γ₀ = 0 . A class of numerical sequences αₙ, intimately related to the...

Predictability, entropy and information of infinite transformations

Jon Aaronson, Kyewon Koh Park (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that a certain type of quasifinite, conservative, ergodic, measure preserving transformation always has a maximal zero entropy factor, generated by predictable sets. We also construct a conservative, ergodic, measure preserving transformation which is not quasifinite; and consider distribution asymptotics of information showing that e.g. for Boole's transformation, information is asymptotically mod-normal with normalization ∝ √n. Lastly, we show that certain ergodic, probability preserving...

Smooth Extensions of Bernoulli Shifts

Zbigniew S. Kowalski (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

For homographic extensions of the one-sided Bernoulli shift we construct σ-finite invariant and ergodic product measures. We apply the above to the description of invariant product probability measures for smooth extensions of one-sided Bernoulli shifts.

Substitution dynamical systems on infinite alphabets

Sébastien Ferenczi (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We give a few examples of substitutions on infinite alphabets, and the beginning of a general theory of the associated dynamical systems. In particular, the “drunken man” substitution can be associated to an ergodic infinite measure preserving system, of Krengel entropy zero, while substitutions of constant length with a positive recurrent infinite matrix correspond to ergodic finite measure preserving systems.

S-unimodal Misiurewicz maps with flat critical points

Roland Zweimüller (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider S-unimodal Misiurewicz maps T with a flat critical point c and show that they exhibit ergodic properties analogous to those of interval maps with indifferent fixed (or periodic) points. Specifically, there is a conservative ergodic absolutely continuous σ-finite invariant measure μ, exact up to finite rotations, and in the infinite measure case the system is pointwise dual ergodic with many uniform and Darling-Kac sets. Determining the order of return distributions to suitable reference...

Waiting for long excursions and close visits to neutral fixed points of null-recurrent ergodic maps

Roland Zweimüller (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We determine, for certain ergodic infinite measure preserving transformations T, the asymptotic behaviour of the distribution of the waiting time for an excursion (from some fixed reference set of finite measure) of length larger than l as l → ∞, generalizing a renewal-theoretic result of Lamperti. This abstract distributional limit theorem applies to certain weakly expanding interval maps, where it clarifies the distributional behaviour of hitting times of shrinking neighbourhoods of neutral fixed...

Weakly mixing rank-one transformations conjugate to their squares

Alexandre I. Danilenko (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Utilizing the cut-and-stack techniques we construct explicitly a weakly mixing rigid rank-one transformation T which is conjugate to T². Moreover, it is proved that for each odd q, there is such a T commuting with a transformation of order q. For any n, we show the existence of a weakly mixing T conjugate to T² and whose rank is finite and greater than n.

Zero Krengel entropy does not kill Poisson entropy

Élise Janvresse, Thierry de la Rue (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We prove that the notions of Krengel entropy and Poisson entropy for infinite-measure-preserving transformations do not always coincide: We construct a conservative infinite-measure-preserving transformation with zero Krengel entropy (the induced transformation on a set of measure 1 is the Von Neumann–Kakutani odometer), but whose associated Poisson suspension has positive entropy.

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