Displaying 1381 – 1400 of 1592

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Substitution systems associated with the dynamical system (𝒜, Tf)*

Maria de Fátima Correia, Carlos Ramos, Sandra Vinagre (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings

We consider the dynamical system (𝒜, Tf), where 𝒜 is a class of differential real functions defined on some interval and Tf : 𝒜 → 𝒜 is an operator Tfφ := fοφ, where f is a differentiable m-modal map. If we consider functions in 𝒜 whose critical values are periodic points for f then, we show how to define and characterize a substitution system associated with (𝒜, Tf). For these substitution systems, we compute the growth rate of the...

Sugeno's negations and T-norms.

Gaspar Mayor Forteza (1994)

Mathware and Soft Computing

A functional characterization of Sugeno's negations is presented and as a consequence, we study a family of non strict Archimedean t-norms whose (vertical-horizontal) sections are straight lines.

Sums of an entire function in certain weighted L2-spaces.

Bruno Brive (2003)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We consider the functional equation f(z+σ) - f(z) = g(z) where σ is a complex number, f and g are entire functions of a complex variable z, with growth conditions. We prove the existence of certain types of solutions of this equation by an a priori estimate method in certain weighted L2-spaces.

Currently displaying 1381 – 1400 of 1592