Displaying 161 – 180 of 238

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Ordinary convergence follows from statistical summability (C,1) in the case of slowly decreasing or oscillating sequences

Ferenc Móricz (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Schmidt’s Tauberian theorem says that if a sequence (xk) of real numbers is slowly decreasing and l i m n ( 1 / n ) k = 1 n x k = L , then l i m k x k = L . The notion of slow decrease includes Hardy’s two-sided as well as Landau’s one-sided Tauberian conditions as special cases. We show that ordinary summability (C,1) can be replaced by the weaker assumption of statistical summability (C,1) in Schmidt’s theorem. Two recent theorems of Fridy and Khan are also corollaries of our Theorems 1 and 2. In the Appendix, we present a new proof of Vijayaraghavan’s...

Ordre, convergence et sommabilité de produits de séries de Dirichlet

Jean-Pierre Kahane, Hervé Queffélec (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

L’article donne des réponses optimales ou presque optimales aux questions suivantes, qui remontent à Stieltjes, Landau et Bohr, et concernent des séries de Dirichlet A j = n = 1 a ( j , n ) n - s ( j = 1 , 2 ...

Permutations preserving Cesàro mean, densities of natural numbers and uniform distribution of sequences

M. Blümlinger, N. Obata (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We are interested in permutations preserving certain distribution properties of sequences. In particular we consider μ -uniformly distributed sequences on a compact metric space X , 0-1 sequences with densities, and Cesàro summable bounded sequences. It is shown that the maximal subgroups, respectively subsemigroups, of A u t ( N ) leaving any of the above spaces invariant coincide. A subgroup of these permutation groups, which can be determined explicitly, is the Lévy group 𝒢 . We show that 𝒢 is big in the...

Pointwise limit theorem for a class of unbounded operators in r -spaces

Ryszard Jajte (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We distinguish a class of unbounded operators in r , r ≥ 1, related to the self-adjoint operators in ². For these operators we prove a kind of individual ergodic theorem, replacing the classical Cesàro averages by Borel summability. The result is equivalent to a version of Gaposhkin’s criterion for the a.e. convergence of operators. In the proof, the theory of martingales and interpolation in r -spaces are applied.

Product Theorems for Certain Summability Methods in Non-archimedean Fields

P.N. Natarajan (2003)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In this paper, K denotes a complete, non-trivially valued, non-archimedean field. Sequences and infinite matrices have entries in K . The main purpose of this paper is to prove some product theorems involving the methods M and ( N , p n ) in such fields K .

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 238