Séries de Fourier et séries d'ondelettes
We study natural measures on sets of -expansions and on slices through self similar sets. In the setting of -expansions, these allow us to better understand the measure of maximal entropy for the random -transformation and to reinterpret a result of Lindenstrauss, Peres and Schlag in terms of equidistribution. Each of these applications is relevant to the study of Bernoulli convolutions. In the fractal setting this allows us to understand how to disintegrate Hausdorff measure by slicing, leading...
Sampling theory for multi-band signals is shown to have a logical structure similar to that of Fourier analysis.
Solution of a boundary value problem is often realized as the application of the Galerkin method to the weak formulation of given problem. It is possible to generate a trial space by means of splines or by means of functions that are not polynomial and have compact support. We restrict our attention only to RKP shape functions and compactly supported wavelets. Common features and comparison of approximation properties of these functions will be studied in the contribution.
In this paper, we prove some weighted inequalities for the multilinear operators related to certain integral operators on the generalized Morrey spaces by using the sharp estimates of the multilinear operators. The operators include Littlewood-Paley operator, Marcinkiewicz operator and Bochner-Riesz operator.
We consider a complete connected noncompact Riemannian manifold M with bounded geometry and spectral gap. We prove that the imaginary powers of the Laplacian and the Riesz transform are bounded from the Hardy space X¹(M), introduced in previous work of the authors, to L¹(M).
The heat kernel associated with the setting of the classical Jacobi polynomials is defined by an oscillatory sum which cannot be computed explicitly, in contrast to the situation for the other two classical systems of orthogonal polynomials. We deduce sharp estimates giving the order of magnitude of this kernel, for type parameters α, β ≥ -1/2. Using quite different methods, Coulhon, Kerkyacharian and Petrushev recently also obtained such estimates. As an application of the bounds, we show that...
We establish the following sharp local estimate for the family of Riesz transforms on . For any Borel subset A of and any function , , 1 < p < ∞. Here q = p/(p-1) is the harmonic conjugate to p, , 1 < p < 2, and , 2 ≤ p < ∞. This enables us to determine the precise values of the weak-type constants for Riesz transforms for 1 < p < ∞. The proof rests on appropriate martingale inequalities, which are of independent interest.