Notes on interpolation of Hardy spaces
Let denote the usual Hardy space of analytic functions on the unit disc . We prove that for every function there exists a linear operator defined on which is simultaneously bounded from to and from to such that . Consequently, we get the following results :1) is a Calderon-Mitjagin couple;2) for any interpolation functor , we have , where denotes the closed subspace of of all functions whose Fourier coefficients vanish on negative integers.These results also extend to Hardy...
Notiz zu dem Aufsatze: Beweis, dass eine für jeden reellen Werth von x durch eine trigonometrische Reihe gegebene Function f(x) sich nur auf eine einzige Weise in dieser Form darstellen lässt. Bd. 72, Seite 139
Number of real roots of a random trigonometric polynomial.
Numerical Computation of the Fourier Transform Using Laguerre Functions and the Fast Fourier Transform.
Numerical experiments in Fourier asymptotics of Cantor measures and wavelets.