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Second order elliptic operators with complex bounded measurable coefficients in  L p , Sobolev and Hardy spaces

Steve Hofmann, Svitlana Mayboroda, Alan McIntosh (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let  L be a second order divergence form elliptic operator with complex bounded measurable coefficients. The operators arising in connection with L , such as the heat semigroup and Riesz transform, are not, in general, of Calderón-Zygmund type and exhibit behavior different from their counterparts built upon the Laplacian. The current paper aims at a thorough description of the properties of such operators in  L p , Sobolev, and some new Hardy spaces naturally associated to  L . First, we show that the...

Semiclassical measures for the Schrödinger equation on the torus

Nalini Anantharaman, Fabricio Macià (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this article, the structure of semiclassical measures for solutions to the linear Schrödinger equation on the torus is analysed. We show that the disintegration of such a measure on every invariant lagrangian torus is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. We obtain an expression of the Radon-Nikodym derivative in terms of the sequence of initial data and show that it satisfies an explicit propagation law. As a consequence, we also prove an observability inequality, saying...

Semilinear Poisson problems in Sobolev-Besov spaces on Lipschitz domains.

Martin Dindos, Marius Mitrea (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Extending recent work for the linear Poisson problem for the Laplacian in the framework of Sobolev-Besov spaces on Lipschitz domains by Jerison and Kenig [16], Fabes, Mendez and Mitrea [9], and Mitrea and Taylor [30], here we take up the task of developing a similar sharp theory for semilinear problems of the type Δu - N(x,u) = F(x), equipped with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.

Sharp and weighted inequalities for multilinear integral operators.

Liu Lanzhe (2007)


In this paper, we prove some weighted inequalities for the multilinear operators related to certain integral operators on the generalized Morrey spaces by using the sharp estimates of the multilinear operators. The operators include Littlewood-Paley operator, Marcinkiewicz operator and Bochner-Riesz operator.

Sharp inequalities for Riesz transforms

Adam Osękowski (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We establish the following sharp local estimate for the family R j j = 1 d of Riesz transforms on d . For any Borel subset A of d and any function f : d , A | R j f ( x ) | d x C p | | f | | L p ( d ) | A | 1 / q , 1 < p < ∞. Here q = p/(p-1) is the harmonic conjugate to p, C p = [ 2 q + 2 Γ ( q + 1 ) / π q + 1 k = 0 ( - 1 ) k / ( 2 k + 1 ) q + 1 ] 1 / q , 1 < p < 2, and C p = [ 4 Γ ( q + 1 ) / π q k = 0 1 / ( 2 k + 1 ) q ] 1 / q , 2 ≤ p < ∞. This enables us to determine the precise values of the weak-type constants for Riesz transforms for 1 < p < ∞. The proof rests on appropriate martingale inequalities, which are of independent interest.

Sharp L p - L q estimates for a class of averaging operators

Alex Iosevich, Eric Sawyer (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Sharp L p - L q estimates are obtained for averaging operators associated to hypersurfaces in R n given as graphs of homogeneous functions. An application to the regularity of an initial value problem is given.

Sharp L p -weighted Sobolev inequalities

Carlos Pérez (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We prove sharp weighted inequalities of the form R n | f ( x ) | p v ( x ) d x C R n | q ( D ) ( f ) ( x ) | p N ( v ) ( x ) d x where q ( D ) is a differential operator and N is a combination of maximal type operator related to q ( D ) and to p .

Sharp Logarithmic Inequalities for Two Hardy-type Operators

Adam Osękowski (2015)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

For any locally integrable f on ℝⁿ, we consider the operators S and T which average f over balls of radius |x| and center 0 and x, respectively: S f ( x ) = 1 / | B ( 0 , | x | ) | B ( 0 , | x | ) f ( t ) d t , T f ( x ) = 1 / | B ( x , | x | ) | B ( x , | x | ) f ( t ) d t for x ∈ ℝⁿ. The purpose of the paper is to establish sharp localized LlogL estimates for S and T. The proof rests on a corresponding one-weight estimate for a martingale maximal function, a result which is of independent interest.

Sharp maximal functions associated with approximations of the identity in spaces of homogeneous type and applications

José María Martell (2004)

Studia Mathematica

In the context of the spaces of homogeneous type, given a family of operators that look like approximations of the identity, new sharp maximal functions are considered. We prove a good-λ inequality for Muckenhoupt weights, which leads to an analog of the Fefferman-Stein estimate for the classical sharp maximal function. As a consequence, we establish weighted norm estimates for certain singular integrals, defined on irregular domains, with Hörmander conditions replaced by some estimates which do...

Sharp one-weight and two-weight bounds for maximal operators

Kabe Moen (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the boundedness of the fractional maximal operator with respect to a general basis on weighted Lebesgue spaces. We characterize the boundedness of these operators for one-weight and two-weight inequalities extending the work of Jawerth. A new two-weight testing condition for the fractional maximal operator on a general basis is introduced extending the work of Sawyer for the basis of cubes. We also find the sharp dependence in the two-weight case between the operator norm and the...

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