Traces of Oscillating Functions.
The paper deals with dimension-controllable (tractable) embeddings of Besov spaces on n-dimensional cubes into Zygmund spaces. This can be expressed in terms of tractability envelopes.
We consider quadrature mirror filters, and the associated wavelet packet transform. Let X = {Xn}n∈Z be a stationary signal which has a continuous spectral density f. We prove that the 2n signals obtained from X by n iterations of the transform converge to white noises when n → +∞. If f is holderian, the convergence rate is exponential.
The single underlying method of averaging the wavelet functional over translates yields first a new completeness criterion for orthonormal wavelet systems, and then a unified treatment of known results on characterization of wavelets on the Fourier transform side, on preservation of frame bounds by oversampling, and on equivalence of affine and quasiaffine frames. The method applies to multiwavelet systems in all dimensions, to dilation matrices that are in some cases not expanding, and to dual...