Éléments ergodiques et totalement ergodiques dans
Let denote the isometry group of . We prove that if G is a paradoxical subgroup of then there exist G-equidecomposable Jordan domains with piecewise smooth boundaries and having different volumes. On the other hand, we construct a system of Jordan domains with differentiable boundaries and of the same volume such that has the cardinality of the continuum, and for every amenable subgroup G of , the elements of are not G-equidecomposable; moreover, their interiors are not G-equidecomposable...
We discuss equivariance for linear liftings of measurable functions. Existence is established when a transformation group acts amenably, as e.g. the Möbius group of the projective line. Since the general proof is very simple but not explicit, we also provide a much more explicit lifting for semisimple Lie groups acting on their Furstenberg boundary, using unrestricted Fatou convergence. This setting is relevant to -cocycles for characteristic classes.