Saturation on Locally Compact Abelian Groups. Walter Schempp, Bernd Dreseler (1972) Manuscripta mathematica
Sharp Inequalities for Weyl Operators and Heisenberg Groups. Abel Klein, Bernard Russo (1978) Mathematische Annalen
Sharpness of Young's inequality for convolution. Leonard Y.H. Yap, T.S. Quek (1983) Mathematica Scandinavica
Silva distributions for certain locally compact groups. Metello de Nápoles, Suzana (1994) Portugaliae Mathematica
Some Applications of Grothendieck's Theory of Topological Tensor Products in Harmonie Analysis. Michael Cowling (1978) Mathematische Annalen
Some non-homogeneous Hardy spaces on locally compact Vilenkin groups Shanzhen Lu, Dachun Yang (1996) Colloquium Mathematicae
Some Results on the Fourier-Stieltjes Algebra of a Locally Compact Group. A. Derighetti (1970) Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
Sur la structure locale des groupes abéliens localement compacts R. Spector (1970) Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France