Sčítání nekonečných řad pomocí integrálních transformací
Dedicated to Professor A.M. Mathai on the occasion of his 75-th birthday. Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 44A10, 33C60, 35J10.The object of this article is to present the computational solution of one-dimensional space-time fractional Schrödinger equation occurring in quantum mechanics. The method followed in deriving the solution is that of joint Laplace and Fourier transforms. The solution is derived in a closed and computational form in terms of the H-function. It provides an elegant...
A nonlinear equation in 2 variables is considered. A formal solution as a series of Laplace integrals is constructed. It is shown that assuming some properties of Char P, one gets the Gevrey class of such solutions. In some cases convergence “at infinity” is proved.
We consider the problem of calculating a closed form expression for the integral of a real-valued function f:ℝⁿ → ℝ on a set S. We specialize to the particular cases when S is a convex polyhedron or an ellipsoid, and the function f is either a generalized polynomial, an exponential of a linear form (including trigonometric polynomials) or an exponential of a quadratic form. Laplace transform techniques allow us to obtain either a closed form expression, or a series representation that can be handled...
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006We produce a parallel algorithm realizing the Laplace transform method for the symbolic solving of differential equations. In this paper we consider systems of ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients, nonzero initial conditions and right-hand parts reduced to sums of exponents with polynomial coefficients.
This article is a survey of some Tauberian theorems obtained recently in connection with work on asymptotic behaviour of semigroups of operators on Banach spaces. The results in operator theory are described in [6], where we made little attempt to show the Tauberian aspects. At the end of this article, we will give a sketch of the connections between the results in this article and in [6]; for details, the reader can turn to the original papers. In this article, we make no attempt to describe...
We define on an ordered semi simple symmetric space a family of spherical functions by an integral formula similar to the Harish-Chandra integral formula for spherical functions on a Riemannian symmetric space of non compact type. Associated with these spherical functions we define a spherical Laplace transform. This transform carries the composition product of invariant causal kernels onto the ordinary product. We invert this transform when is a complex group, a real form of , and when ...
We consider a forced differential difference equation and by the use of Laplace Transform Theory generate non-hypergeometric type series which we prove may be expressed in closed form.
Among the applications of orthogonal polynomials described briefly on my previous visit to this Center [9, §3.2] were slowly convergent series whose terms could be represented in terms of the Laplace transform at integer arguments. We proposed to sum such series by means of Gaussian quadrature rules applied to suitable integrals involving weight functions of Einstein and Fermi type (cf. [13]). In the meantime it transpired that the technique is applicable to a large class of numerical series and,...