Über die Fixpunktmengen einer Klasse Volterrascher Integraloperatoren in Banachräumen.
We consider a convolution-type integral equation u = k ⋆ g(u) on the half line (−∞; a), a ∈ ℝ, with kernel k(x) = x α−1, 0 < α, and function g(u), continuous and nondecreasing, such that g(0) = 0 and 0 < g(u) for 0 < u. We concentrate on the uniqueness problem for this equation, and we prove that if α ∈ (1, 4), then for any two nontrivial solutions u 1, u 2 there exists a constant c ∈ ℝ such that u 2(x) = u 1(x +c), −∞ < x. The results are obtained by applying Hilbert projective metrics....
We deal with the integral equation , with , and . We prove an existence theorem for solutions where the function is not assumed to be continuous, extending a result previously obtained for the case .
The Schauder-Tikhonov theorem in locally convex topological spaces and an extension of Krasnosel’skiĭ’s fixed point theorem due to Nashed and Wong are used to establish existence of and C solutions to Volterra and Hammerstein integral equations in Banach spaces.